dc motor

Frameless voice coil actuators (VCA), also known as un-housed VCAs, are sold in pairs of coil and field assemblies. These assemblies are required to be aligned within the customer's application. Frameless VCAs are the most cost effective and versatile types of linear actuators, allowing customers to integrate them into their systems in a way that is best suited for the application. VCA technology features many inherent advantages, such as direct-drive, zero backlash and cog free operation for accurate motion, as well as high acceleration and use of a single phase.

  • Capable of withstanding billions of cycles of use
  • Constructed with high energy product rare earth magnets
  • Moving coil and moving magnet designs available
  • Wide offering of standard products, reducing lead time and cost


Motor Options:

Part Number
Peak Force
Total Stroke
Continuous Stall Force
Actuator Constant
[N∙Watt-1/2 / lb∙Watt-1/2]
Outside Diameter
LA05-15-019A0.82/ 0.1840.508/ 0.020.48/ 0.1080.444/ 0.112.7/ 0.5
LA08-10-000A6.67/ 1.54.06/ 0.161.96/ 0.4430.97/ 0.21819.05/ 0.75
LA10-08-000A6.67/ 1.55.08/ 0.22.71/ 0.6091.148/ 0.25824.13/ 0.95
LA10-12-027A13.34/ 39.14/ 0.364.94/ 1.1121.766/ 0.39725.4/ 1
LA12-17-000A44.48/ 107.62/ 0.315.57/ 3.54.386/ 0.98630.48/ 1.2
LA13-11-000A15.57/ 3.56.36/ 0.255.07/ 1.142.36/ 0.5331.62/ 1.245
LA13-12-000A15.57/ 3.56.36/ 0.257.12/ 1.62.36/ 0.5331.62/ 1.25
LA14-17-000A22.24/ 510.16/ 0.47.12/ 1.62.18/ 0.4935.56/ 1.4
LA15-16-002A62.6/ 14.16.36/ 0.2519.6/ 4.44.72/ 1.0638.1/ 1.5
LA15-16-020A33.8/ 7.610.16/ 0.411.6/ 2.62.8/ 0.6238.1/ 1.5
LA15-16-024A88.96/ 206.35/ 0.2524.47/ 5.55.827/ 1.3138.1/ 1.5
LA15-26-000A44.48/ 1025.4/ 111.57/ 2.62.936/ 2.637.59/ 1.48
LA16-16-000A89/ 206.36/ 0.2524.47/ 5.55.83/ 1.3140/ 1.575
LA16-19-001A22.2/ 512.7/ 59.3/ 2.12.31/ 0.5240/ 1.58
LA17-28-000A71.17/ 1615.24/ 0.628.47/ 6.46.895/ 1.5558.42/ 2.3
LA18-12-000A44.5/ 106.1/ 0.2415.1/ 3.44.8/ 1.144.45/ 1.75
LA18-12-002A27/ 6.073.05/ 0.127.79/ 1.752.97/ 0.6744.45/ 1.75
LA18-12-006Z44.48/ 106.1/ 0.2415.12/ 3.44.849/ 1.0944.45/ 1.75
LA19-40-000A22.24/ 545.72/ 1.88.54/ 1.922.37/ 0.53347.63/ 1.88
LA23-55-000A89/ 2057.15/ 2.2527.1/ 6.14.34/ 0.9857.15/ 2.25
LA24-20-000A111.21/ 2516.51/ 0.6526.33/ 5.97.517/ 1.6960.33/ 2.37
LA24-33-000A35.6/ 822.9/ 0.913.8/ 3.13.025/ 0.6859.7/ 2.35
LA25-42-000A266.89/ 6025.4/ 186.3/ 19.413.789/ 3.163.5/ 2.5
LA28-22-000A266.89/ 6011.43/ 0.4587.74/ 19.7113.789/ 3.169.85/ 2.75
LA28-22-001A201.1/ 45.211.44/ 0.4545.7/ 10.310.41/ 2.3469.85/ 2.75
LA28-43-000A266.89/ 6025/ 0.9875.6/ 1713.09/ 2.970/ 2.76
LA30-43-000A445/ 10025.4/ 1185/ 41.621.8/ 4.976.2/ 3
LA30-48-000A445/ 10025.4/ 1133.8/ 30.121.8/ 4.976.2/ 3
LA30-75-001A444.82/ 10050.8/ 296.24/ 21.716.67/ 3.7576.2/ 3
LA34-37-000A444.82/ 10019.05/ 0.75127.22/ 28.620.28/ 4.5685.85/ 3.38
LA43-67-000A1378.9/ 11031.75/ 1.25282.91/ 63.628.024/ 6.3107.95/ 4.25
LA50-65-000A1861/ 418.431.75/ 1.25500/ 112.457.85/ 13127/ 5

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