Central Heating Boiler Applications: Boiler Sensors 116CP/117CP
Central heating boilers are a very common way of heating the house or office. In a case where a combi boiler is used, the domestic hot water is created in the same boiler. For example, wall-hung boilers are energy and space-efficient ways of heating rooms. Heat transfer is done by means of a hydronic liquid system that transfers heat to the radiator panels in separate rooms. One important variable in the hydronic system is the liquid (usually water or water with glycol) pressure. If the pressure is too high, there is a risk of damage or leakage to the hydronic system. If the pressure is too low, there is a risk of damaging the heat exchanger inside the boiler. An unreliable system will lead to higher costs (efficiency loss and maintenance/repair), poor customer satisfaction, and poor brand recognition in a competitive market.
Download this application note to learn more about where exactly pressure sensors are used within Central Heating Boiler Applications.