Commercial Application: Beverage-Dispensing Machines
What are Beverage Dispensers?
Beverage-dispensing machines are commonly used in convenience stores, fast-food franchise stores, theaters, amusement parks, restaurants and other similar locations. Typically, a beverage dispensing machine can serve multiple beverages, including carbonated drinks and non-carbonated drinks.
Also, there are beverage-dispensing machines that have a refrigeration capability and dispense carbonated or noncarbonated frozen beverages, such as a “Slurpee®”, a smoothie, frozen cocktail or a milk shake. These machines quickly dispense a beverage into a container by actuating a switch, such as a lever located near a nozzle for the beverage.
How does it work?
In general, the frozen carbonated beverage-dispensing machines have a water supply and containers for syrup and carbon dioxide (CO2), and mix them at a desired ratio to fill a freezing cylinder used to produce a frozen carbonated beverage.
Similarly, a non-carbonated beverage machine has a reservoir for holding mix or syrup that may or may not be mixed with water as an ingredient. The carbonated beverage machine may have a solenoid valve, a pump, or other device to control the flow of the syrup, water and CO2 from the water supply and containers, while the non-carbonated machine may have a solenoid valve, a pump, or other device to control the flow of the mix or syrup, or may rely on gravity to fill a freezing cylinder.
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