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  • Specific changes to pressure and temperature indicate a tire burst event within milliseconds of occurrence​
  • 433MHz & 2.4GHz capable​


  • Can be used in conjunction with other systems to reduce the impact and severity of accidents caused by tire blowouts
  • Provides a new data input to vehicle ADAS algorithms, making them more effective and increasing the safety of driver and passengers


  • Automotive and heavy-duty vehicles


Pressure Range 0-800 kPa*
Temperature Range -40°C to +125°C
Max Speed 350 kph* (For both clamp in and snap in)
Sensor Battery Life with Tire Burst 10 years / 200,000 km (at least 6 years / 150,000 km)
Response Time 300 ms*
Pressure and Temp Accuracy Pressure accuracy: +/- 5 kPa
Temperature accuracy: +/- 3°C

*Contact Sensata to discuss specific capability needs beyond those listed.